Don't miss out on the best offers of the year!


-20% off for the purchase of a pair


-25% off for the purchase of 2 pairs or more

Enter the code in the shopping cart to apply the discount.

Please note: we cannot guarantee order modifications during Black Week. Make sure you order the right size and the right options. If you wish to modify your order, please contact us as soon as possible and we will check if it is still possible to modify your order.

Unsure about which size, heel height or outsole to choose? Check out our guides!

Not sure which pair to choose?

Find the perfect pair for you in 3 minutes only with the Joheela perfect match quiz!

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Need to contact us?

If you still have questions or need advice, don't hesitate to contact us. We'll be delighted to help.

Black weekFrom 20/11/2023 12h to 27/11/2023 23:59 (CET, Paris time, GMT+1)

For all orders placed with the code BLACKWEEK20 or BLACKWEEK25, the discount will be retained in the event of an exchange.

For orders placed with the code BLACKWEEK25 (containing 2 pairs or more), if a refund request is made and only one pair is kept by the customer, the discount BLACKWEEK20 will then be applied to this pair in accordance with the discounts applied at Black Week: -20% with code BLACKWEEK20 for the purchase of one pair; -25% with code BLACKWEEK25 for the purchase of 2 pairs or more.